Is NOT in Strawberry, CA.  A lot of folks who do NOT attend The Strawberry Music Festival get this wrong.  Here’s a bit of Strawberry History…

The very first Strawberry Fest was held at Leland Meadows on CA’s Hwy 108…Address: Strawberry, CA. Hence, the name Strawberry was adopted for the fest.  But at the end of Year 1 the team of producers decided that Leland Meadows was not the best venue for the event.  They went hunting for a perfect spot, and found it at Camp Mather, Evergreen Rd. off of Hwy 120.  As the crow flies, the two sites are incredibly close–less than 16 miles.  Of course, DRIVING the distance is a whole different story…It’s more like 65 miles.

What was different about Camp Mather?  Owned by the city of San Francisco, Mather provided a paradise for this Love Fest.  Plenty of tall pines provided shade. Little cabins, tucked in the woods, housed performers, crew bosses and the occasional “camper” who wanted to pay the extra dough.  A big dininghall, an amphitheatre for workshops, horseback riding, bike trails, a little camp store, tennis courts, a swimming pool, a big baseball field to serve as the Main Music Meadow…and my favorite:  Birch Lake!  And all of this sitting right on the border of Yosemite National Park.  Sweet!

Here we were at a “luxury” campground where everyone could spread out, relax and learn how to live The Strawberry Way!

Speaking of which, it’s time for me to pile in the car and hit the road.  My guy has our tent pitched, our campsite ready.  His guitar is tuned and already “working,” I’m sure.  I’ve got the house buttoned down for the house-sitter and the kitties.  The ukulele and concertina are in the car.  I’m looking forward to a little jamming with my friends from Blue Shoes Ukulele Auxiliary Orchestra.  I’ve got a list of stories, old and new.  Cynthia Restivo will be joining me on Saturday & Sunday for tandem stories.  The baby plants that I planted this week?  I hope they’ll survive with “Mom” gone.  Kitties, be happy until we return.

When I return, I’ll tell you more about The Strawberry Way…

In the meantime, get out to watch LIVE MUSIC this Labor Day Weekend.  If you’re close enough, call Strawberry at (209)984-8630 to find out if you can still get a ticket.  It’ll be worth the trip…and it’s a beautiful drive.  Maybe I’ll see you there.  I’ll be at Birch Lake telling stories.


I’m B.Z. Smith.  I tell stories.  This is one of them.