You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 20, 2010.

“Hey! That’s me (age 42) telling stories to Little Menefees at the 1992 Family Reunion in Rio Vista, Texas”

“Snip, Snap, Snout”–A traditional way to end a Norwegian folktale.

In 1974, at age 24, I received a gift when I realized my work’s purpose: To bring literature alive for family audiences through storytelling. Since then, my full professional life has kept that focus. Working in and with schools, libraries, colleges and festivals, I have been lucky to earn a living doing what I love most. Actually, double lucky, since most of my work has been right here at home on the Mother Lode in California’s Sierra.

When I hit 60 in November 2009, I woke up to some new stuff.

First of all, I recognized that I am way more than middle-aged. According to the Center for Disease Control the 2007 stated life expectancy for people living in the U.S. was 77.7 years. So, to my age-peers I say, “Sorry.” To those 5-15 years younger than me, I say, “Get ready.” And to those way younger, I say, “Do everything you can to get healthy now, and enjoy life along the road.” What’s your alternative? Read the rest of this entry »

Mining on the Mother Lode

January 2010